Category: Gaping Gill

NCS residential with Carnegie Great Outdoors at Ingleborough Hall

22.10.16-26.10.16 The National Citizen Service (NCS) is a government funded programme of positive activities for young people aged 16 and 17. The programme includes an adventurous activities residential and it was this that took me to Ingleborough Hall where CGO were working with two cohorts from the North East. Ingleborough Hall was built in the

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Ingleborough from Horton-in-Ribbledale

12/3/14Walking with; Nobody  Ingleborough will always hold a special place in my heart, for it was after I had coerced/cajoled (depending on who you listen to) Ruth up to the summit on a brutally wet day that turned to snow as we reached Little Ingleborough, that I decided she was the girl for me! I

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