Category: The Nab

Rydal to Buttermere and Loughrigg with Christine

11.9.15 Walking with; Christine     Christine was visiting the UK from Hong Kong and whilst she had spent time in the Lake District before she hadn’t been out walking in the area and so contacted Come walk with me to organise a day walk for her. As she was staying in Ambleside, and after

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Kinder Scout and Redbrook followed by Castleton Garland Day

29.5.12Walking with; Nobody Ewan MacColl’s Manchester Rambler claimed to have “sunbathed on Kinder and been burned to a cinder”, but given that my last two trips up there had involved zero visibility and blizzard like conditions I had my doubts. None-the-less I can now confirm that it is eminently possible to be fried on and

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