Category: Limestone pavement

Ingleborough newspaper column

  10 miles 5 5 hours Whilst there are more than enough walks in the Peak District to keep me busy for half a lifetime, once in a while it is worth spreading the wings and exploring a little further afield and Ingleborough is definitely a hill worth the ninety minute drive. At 723 metres

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Yorkshire 3 Peaks

4.10.14 Walking with; Mountain Monkeys The Yorkshire 3 Peaks is one of the UK’s classic “challenge walks” and is deservedly popular. It takes in three of Yorkshire’s highest peaks, Pen-Y-Ghent, Whernside and Ingleborough and covers around 25 miles, not an undertaking to be taken lightly. Whilst the route can be started from a number of

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Ingleborough from Horton-in-Ribbledale

12/3/14Walking with; Nobody  Ingleborough will always hold a special place in my heart, for it was after I had coerced/cajoled (depending on who you listen to) Ruth up to the summit on a brutally wet day that turned to snow as we reached Little Ingleborough, that I decided she was the girl for me! I

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