Category: West Highland Way

2025 The year ahead

First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR to everybody, sorry it’s a week or so late 🙂 2025 starts with me in a positive frame of mind after a challenging end to 2024 which saw me undergo major surgery on my leg, the removal of a Basal Cell Carcinoma from my face and a very messy

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The West Highland Way is probably the best known long distance footpath in the UK being walked by between thirty five and forty thousand people each year. It’s a fantastic introduction to walking in Scotland passing lochs, mountains and moors and giving a real flavour of the Scottish landscape. I have worked on a dozen

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2023- A year in review

Well, here we are at the end of another year and what a cracker it’s been here at Come walk with me UK. We have spent 2023 exploring walks across the world, leading D of E groups, trekking the long distance trails of Scotland and adventuring in new destinations. We couldn’t have done it without

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2023 with Come walk with me UK

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Here at Come walk with me UK we hope that 2023 has started with a bang and that the plans you have for the New Year (we don’t call them resolutions anymore) are pointing towards an exciting and productive twelve months. We are really looking forward to a busy time after a

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West Highland Way with Thistle Trekking Part two

Here is the remainder of the blog form the West Highland Way trek with Thistle Trekking…. Day five is often spoken off in hushed and fearful tones, the epic day over Rannoch Moor and into Glencoe, but the reality is that the walking is rarely all that difficult and the landscape more than makes up

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West Highland Way with Thistle Trekking Part one

A couple of weeks ago I finished my second West Highland Way with Thistle Trekking and like the first it was a fantastic experience with a great bunch of people. Here is part one of the blog that I wrote for Thistle about the experience…. My first trek with Thistle Trekking was a West Highland

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West Highland Way with Thistle Trekking part two

Day five is the day that strikes fear into the heart of even the bravest West Highland Way-er, 19 miles from Tyndrum to the mighty maw of Glencoe. After David had worked his magic and negotiated early breakfasts across the board we left behind Tyndrum and once again hit the military roads. It’s a long,

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West Highland Way with Thistle Trekking Part one

Well, we’re not going to lie….this poor blog and the website in general have fallen by the wayside over a very busy Summer, but as the season comes to an end and Ian nurses a dodgy knee, it’s time to try and get things back up to speed. One of the highlights of the season

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Silly Season

And breathe……well, the blog has (yet again) taken the hit as the season has got busier and busier and busier…..but who are we to complain? The sun has been shining, the sky has been blue and hundreds of people have been hitting the hills on events run by or worked on by the awesome team

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West Highland Way part one

The West Highland Way is surely one of the most iconic of the UK’s long distance walking trails and I have been very fortunate in being asked to lead a group on it this Summer with the lovely guys at Thistle Trekking. With this in mind I thought I would enjoy a rareish opportunity to

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