Category: Aim High Expeditions

2025 The year ahead

First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR to everybody, sorry it’s a week or so late 🙂 2025 starts with me in a positive frame of mind after a challenging end to 2024 which saw me undergo major surgery on my leg, the removal of a Basal Cell Carcinoma from my face and a very messy

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2023- A year in review

Well, here we are at the end of another year and what a cracker it’s been here at Come walk with me UK. We have spent 2023 exploring walks across the world, leading D of E groups, trekking the long distance trails of Scotland and adventuring in new destinations. We couldn’t have done it without

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A July round up!

It has become an annual ritual as the Summer holidays kick in for me to think “Crikey, it’s ages since I have written a blog….but it’s just been so busy”, and, thank fully after the last year, 2021 has been no exception! We have been working all over the country with a really diverse, but

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Yet another long overdue catch up

I start every year with the very best of intentions when it comes to blogging and yet here we are a long way into the year and it’s a good couple of months since I have managed to provide an update on what has been a great start to the year here at Come walk

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Happy New Year

HAPPY NEW YEAR ! Well, it’s 2018 and I am not long back in a cold, wet and windy England after our last expedition of the year which took us to Cambodia with Camps International and twelve great students from a couple of colleges in Adelaide, South Australia. 2017 was an amazing year for Come

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The D of E season is in full swing!!

Walking with; Highgate School, Thistly Hough School and Dulwich College Well, it’s taken a while to get the blog back up and running this season but as we’ve been so busy it’s for all the right reasons!! The season has started with a lot of work on the Duke of Edinburgh awards and so far

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2016. The year in review.

The blog has been somewhat neglected of late, a combination of a quieter time of year and a change in my personal circumstances. However, New Year’s Eve is probably the most apt time to reflect on what has been another fantastic and varied year here at Come walk with me UK. The very fact that

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Busy times, a catch up!

Full album on Facebook Life here at Come walk with me has been super busy of late and as I am heading off to Peru with Camps International and Beauchamp College this Friday I have decided to amalgamate the last week and a half into a single blog! It’s a great example to show the

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D of E Bronze practice with Aim High Expeditions and St John’s

16-17.4.16 Walking with; Team 1 The explosion in the number of D of E courses over the last couple of years has been remarkable. When I was at school (back in the day….) I’d never heard of the award and I think it’s great that so many school have embraced the opportunity to give their

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